N. maxima x ‘trusmadiensis’ – best selected clones: BE-3709


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One (1) N. maxima x ‘trusmadiensis’ – best selected clones: BE-3709 EXTRA SMALL

Photos are provided by Borneo Exotics and are representative.  Plants may or may not currently have pitchers.

BE NOTES: Description: The correct scientific name for this item is N. maxima x (lowii x macrophylla). We have found a great deal of variation in this cross, with some resembling the male parent and some with similar appearance to the wonderfully spectacular N. x trusmadiensis but possessing far more vigour. This item is comprised of a random mixture of two clones, originally selected for their exceptional vigour and because they are different from each other in appearance. One form has an amazing spur on the end of the lid, as some of the photos here show.

The photos show both of the clones that comprise this item.

Source: Random mixture of two carefully selected clones out of microprop.

Ships bareroot. Roots will be wrapped in sphagnum moss, but you will need to provide your own pot and more potting substrate when the plant arrives.  Check out this video that I helped write for the ICPS on “How to acclimate your carnivorous plants.”
Borneo Exotic Size
Extra Small (ES) – Nursery grown plants with a minimum leaf span of 2.5 cm (1″) up to about 5 cm (2″).
Small (S) – Nursery grown plants with a minimum leaf span of 5 cm (2.5″) up to about 9 cm (3.5”).
Medium (M) – Nursery grown plants with a minimum leaf span of 10 cm (4″) up to about 15 cm (6”).
Large (L) – Nursery grown plants with a minimum leaf-span of 17 cm (7″) up to about 30 cm (12”).
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