One (1) Nepenthes spathulata x ampullaria – BE-4050 LARGE
First 2 photos are provided by Borneo Exotics and are representative. Plants may or may not currently have pitchers.
The female parent is the selected clone of N. spathulata sold under BE-3174 . The male parent is a red form of the Brunei N. ampullaria, formerly sold as CR-47.
This is a particularly robust cross and being of highland-lowland origin, it’s temperature tolerant and easy to grow. BE has painstakingly selected three different colour forms of this cross, each from a different grex of seeds using a different N. ampullaria parent. They are marketed under three different BE-codes, as they are completely distinct from one another.
This form has all green pitchers and the photos shown here are of the actual clone shipped.