N. merrilliana x aristolochioides – best selected clones: BE-3877


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N. merrilliana x aristolochioides – best selected clones: BE-3877 MEDIUM

The form of the pitcher as well as the leopard patterning are very reminiscent of the male parent, N. aristolochioides. So too is the translucent rear to the pitcher when viewed through the pitcher mouth, from the point of view of an insect. This characteristic is easily seen in the video – although not mentioned in the narrative. The size of the pitchers conferred from the female parent, N. merrilliana, can become quite large, certainly far larger than N. aristolochioides, which is a diminutive species. It’s also a far easier to cultivate than either of the parent species and is an intermediate grower, tolerant of a wide range of temperatures.  

History:  First introduced in Feb 2018.

Origin: Horticultural, bred by Borneo Exotics.

Source: Random selection from two carefully selected clones out of microprop. The female parent is a seed-raised N. merrilliana, which is our clone #12 and is verified as true to form. The male parent is N. aristolochioides, which is our clone #4, selected from the assorted clones sold under BE-3023. The particular two clones chosen for this item were selected from amongst many for their exceptional vigour.

Photo notes: Photos are of representative clones and may not be identical to plants shipped.

Climate: Intermediate

Ships bareroot. You will need to provide your own pot and more potting substrate when the plant arrives. Extra care will be needed as the pre-order plants will need to be acclimated slowly to your conditions. This means low light and high humidity initially. Check out this video that I helped write for the ICPS on “How to acclimate your carnivorous plants.” To see the size and quality of our imports watch this video. 
Borneo Exotic Size
Extra Small (XS) – Nursery grown plants with a minimum leaf span of 2.5 cm (1″) up to about 5 cm (2″).
Small (S) – Nursery grown plants with a minimum leaf span of 5 cm (2.5″) up to about 9 cm (3.5”).
Medium (M) – Nursery grown plants with a minimum leaf span of 10 cm (4″) up to about 15 cm (6”).
Large (L) – Nursery grown plants with a minimum leaf-span of 17 cm (7″) up to about 30 cm (12”).
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