N. veitchii x (burbidgeae x edwardsiana) – assorted clones: BE-4053


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N. veitchii x (burbidgeae x edwardsiana) – assorted clones: BE-4053 MEDIUM

This cross would probably have existed as a natural hybrid at some point in the past, as all three parent species can be found in the vicinity of Mt. Kinabalu in Sabah, so it’s almost certain that at some point in history, a similar cross existed naturally in the wild. We are seeing a great deal of variation in the clones we have raised so far, with some resembling the male parent and others the N. veitchii female parent.

Origin: Horticultural, bred by Borneo Exotics. The female parent is a lowland N. veitchii, originating from a clone donated in-vitro by a German friend in the 1990s. The male parent is the lovely cross N. burbidgeae x edwardsiana and is of the same clone as used in our other creations.

Source: Random selection from a large number of different clones.

Climate: Since one parent is lowland and the other highland, we have classified this item as ‘intermediate’ and expect it will grow in a wide range of temperatures.

Ships bareroot. You will need to provide your own pot and more potting substrate when the plant arrives. Extra care will be needed as the pre-order plants will need to be acclimated slowly to your conditions. This means low light and high humidity initially. Check out this video that I helped write for the ICPS on “How to acclimate your carnivorous plants.” To see the size and quality of our imports watch this video. 
Borneo Exotic Size
Extra Small (XS) – Nursery grown plants with a minimum leaf span of 2.5 cm (1″) up to about 5 cm (2″).
Small (S) – Nursery grown plants with a minimum leaf span of 5 cm (2.5″) up to about 9 cm (3.5”).
Medium (M) – Nursery grown plants with a minimum leaf span of 10 cm (4″) up to about 15 cm (6”).
Large (L) – Nursery grown plants with a minimum leaf-span of 17 cm (7″) up to about 30 cm (12”).
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